Moira Press Books
Astrological Remediation, a Guide for the Modern Practitioner should be on every astrologer’s bookshelf or coffee table. This book is a tool any astrologer can use to aid anyone no matter how “difficult” the chart. We also gather together the definitive translation of Vettius Valens 9-book Anthology in plain English that anyone can read.

Astrological Remediation:
A Guide for the Modern Practitioner
This book is invaluable for any practicing astrologer. Written for the professional working astrologer, this textbook teaches the art of healing challenges in the chart. Whether our clients are approaching a hard transit or examining a natal struggle, this book can help.
Topics include: the link between astrology and medicine, the art of astrological diagnosis, isolating planets that need remediation, working with children, the tenets of astral mechanics as written by Judith Hill, and much much more.

A Wonderbook of True Astrological Case Files
In this magical book of astral tales, Judith Hill and Andrea Gehrz team up to bring astrology to the world! Each story is a simple yet eloquent example of the wonderful light science that is astrology.
The Wonderbook contains over 50 stories of animals with birth times, medical anomalies, jolly bus drivers, love contracts, tiny nooks, and much much more!

Astral Somatica 1: Essays & Activities on the Astral Body
Written with the amazing Casey Cardoso, LMT, this book explores how the stars affect our bodies, from how we’re shaped to where we experience issues during planetary transits.

An Introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy
Porphyry of Tyre (234 – 305 C.E.)
Originally written in ancient Greek by the philosopher Porphyry of Tyre, this textbook sets out the basics of ancient astrological theory. It is a perfect introduction into traditional astrology, as it is simple, elegant, and technical.

“Gehrz breathes delicate new life into this ancient text, unfolding the threads of Porphyry’s thoughts anew. Fundamental questions for astrology–When does the soul move into the body? Where does the soul come from? — are considered methodically from myriad angles and potentials. This text is an enlivening read for anyone exploring the roots of astrology from historical, philosophical, and ontological perspectives.”
–Jenn Zahrt, PhD

Tetrabiblos, Book 1
Tetrabiblos Book One is a beautiful ancient text on Astrology. A highly philosophical look into the chart, how to make an useful prognosis, and why Astrology is important in general. This textbook is perfect for the beginner and advanced student alike.

Tetrabiblos, Book 2
Tetrabiblos Book Two is the second part in a four-part series on Astrology and Apotelesmatics. A great ancient survey text, Ptolemy covers many topics in this second book. He starts to handle individual birth charts in this book, whereas Book One focuses mainly on general Astrology.

Tetrabiblos, Book 3
Tetrabiblos, Book 3 is the third part of a four book series on astronomical prognostication. In this book, Ptolemy looks into Parents, Siblings, Twins, Marvelous Monstrosities, Atrophy, and the controversial length of life calculation.
Vettius Valens: The Anthology
Have you ever wished you could go back to ancient times? Vettius Valens lived over 2000 years ago, and wrote extensively on the art of reading astrological charts. Not only could Valens actually see the night sky, he also busied himself reading the texts of the ancients before his time. Throughout his nine book Anthology, Valens passes on many concepts he has synthesized from his studies, including a variety of examples from his collection. This book is highly unique to read, as it is translated from ancient Greek into modern English so the reader can literally fall into the mind of an ancient astrologer.

Anthology Book 1 (2nd Edition)
In this first book of the 9 volume Anthology, Vettius Valens covers the following topics:
- The Nature of the Wandering Stars
- The Nature of the Twelve Constellations
- The Star Boundaries within Each Constellation
- The Hour of Birth
- The Midheaven
- The Ascensional Times of the Twelve Constellations
- Calculating Newmoons and Fullmoons by Hand
- The Masculine and Feminine Degrees
- Calculating the Nodes by Hand
- The Twining of the Qualities of the Planets
- The Conception Chart

Anthology Book 2.1
Book 2, part 1 includes the following:
- The Twelve Starry Regions
- The Lot of Fortune–Calculation
- The Triangles (Triplicities)
- Epithets of the Houses

Anthology Book 2.2
Book 2, part 2 covers:
- True and Complete Happiness (Eudaemonia) from the Triplicities
- The Ascendant from Fortune
- The Exaltation Point of Sun and Moon
- Lot of Spirit
- Eleventh Place from Fortune
- Remarkable Charts Versus Dejected Ones
- Many Examples

Anthology Book 2.3
Book 2, part 3 covers:
- Practical and Impractical Times of Life. Taken from the Pivots, and the Regions Carried Up to Them
- Life Abroad, from the Works of Hermippos
- On Life Abroad
- An Early End to the Parents
- And Another on the Parents, from Timaeus
- Orphanhood from the Parents
- Separation from the Parents
- Freedom and Enslavement in Nativities
- The 11 Configurations of the Moon
- Injuries & Pathologies
- Marriage; The Luxuries of Joining Together
- A Holistic Viewing with Many Schematics
- Life With and Without Children
- Siblings
- Violent Death

Anthology Book 3.1
In Book 3, Valens covers:
- Supreme and Ultimate Rulership
- Significant Degree
- Reckoning the Vital Quadrant
- Winds
- Steps
- Exaltations
- Classification
- Useful Time Periods
- Climaxes

Anthology Book 4.1
In this fourth book of his timeless Anthology, ancient Greek astrologer Vettius Valens covers:
- The Finer Division of Days
- The Manifestation Years of Stars
- A Division of Times from Lots of Fortune and Spirit
- The Quantity of Each Star in Days
- Productivity of the Year
- The Names and Natures of the Twelve Places
- Anomalies in Natal Charts
- The Yearly Distribution of the Moon, Ascendant, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Moon, Mercury
- On What Kind of Month it Will Be
- Productive Days
- Much, Much More

Anthology Book 5.1
Book 5 topics include:
- The Blameworthy Places
- The Climax of the Year
- On the Productivity of the Month and Day
- The Moon’s Inclination
- On the Fact that Influences do not Synthsize into the Same Manifestations Every Twelve Years
- On Aphesis
- Climax Points from Critodemus
- Much Much More

Anthology Book 6.1
Book 6 topics:
- Practical and Impractical Times of Life
- The Coloring and Surface Characteristics of the Sun, Moon, & Five Wanderers
- On the Fact That Makers of Malice Seem to Have More Energy than Benefics
- Transits
- The Distribution of 10 Years, 9 Months
- A Means of Knowing the Days Set Down by Each Star
- The Time Periods of LIfe; From the Full Moon Region and Gnomon of Ascendant
- The Conception Days by Moon and Ascendant

Anthology Book 8.1
In the eighth book of his timeless Anthology, ancient astrologer Vettius Valens includes several mathematical tables and the following topics:
- The Form and Composition of Tables
- Fixing in of Ascendant Degree
- Making a Stand on the Birth of Twins
- Sample Charts
- Hateful Places and stars
- Much Much More

Anthology Book 9.1
In the 9th and final book, Valens provides a highly philosophical closing to the collection. He examines the practical and impractical times of life from the lots of Fortune and Spirit, adds to information on the twelve houses, looks into election charts and decumbitures, discovering the ascendant, masculine and feminine charts, and much much more.