History of Astrology: 20th Century with Philip Graves
September 21 @ 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
Philip Graves is an astrological historian and librarian who been studying astrology and its history for more than 28 years. Since 2016, he has had over 30 historical essays published in the astrological press, including The Mountain Astrologer, The Astrological Journal, Infinity Astrological Magazine and The Career Astrologer. He has previously lectured on historical astrological topics for the 9th International Conference of Astrology at Perugia, Italy (2017), the 3rd and 5th European Conferences on Astrology (2021 and 2023), and the Astrological Association Conference (2023), as well as for an OPA seminar.
Email agehrz@gmail.com or Private Message Andrea Gehrz on Facebook to Register.