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The Tetrabiblos (ep 04)

During this Weekly Reading Group, we read through the Moira Press translations of The Tetrabiblos (starting with the Introduction to the Tetrabiblos by Porphyry of Tyre) and discuss what we are reading.

Dedicate yourself to this group and you won’t be sorry!

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Buy An Introduction to The Tetrabiblos to read along!

The Tetrabiblos is a beautiful ancient text on Astrology. A highly philosophical look into the chart, how to make an useful prognosis, and why Astrology is important in general. This textbook is perfect for the beginner and advanced student alike.

This episode covers:

  • Section 8: Testimony
  • Section 9: Right-Handed and Left-Handed Aspects
  • Section 10: Transmission
  • Section 11: Planets in Union or Closing in on One Another
  • Section 12: Separating
  • Section 13: More on Separating
  • Section 14: Being Surrounded
  • Section 15: Being Enclosed
  • Section 16: Intervention
  • Section 17: Transference
  • Section 18: Collection
  • Section 19: Turning Away
  • Section 20: Upon the Tenth
  • Section 21: Superiority
  • Section 22: Juxtaposition
  • Section 23: Void of Course
  • Section 24: The Casting of Rays

File Size
  • tetra-04-Transmission_Etc - 526.06M

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