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Gemini’s Coloring of the Collective Evolutionary Currents with Bradley Naragon

If we step back and look from the big picture perspective, we may realize that the Gemini of today has a different flavor than the Gemini of 2000 years ago. In this talk, the evolutionary dramas of humanity are correlated to the planetary nodes of Venus, Uranus, and Ceres in Gemini and the Neptune Pluto cycle’s Gemini conjunctions. You may be surprised and shocked at just how much Gemini has had and has a role in shaping the evolutionary story of humanity and life on Earth. In fact, you may come away forever thinking differently about our most curious of signs!! You may actually see life in a new light! I can’t say more, it may ruin the surprise!

Bradley Naragon began studying astrology and creating astrological mandalas in 1998. Around 2009, Bradley began to study Evolutionary Astrology. Currently, he continues to create astrological, art which is shared with the world via social media, hosts an Evolutionary Astrology podcast called “Coming Together: Interrelationships of Evolutionary Astrology Teachings,” teaches astrology, and provides astrological console. When not doing art and astrology, Bradley loves tending to plants, being a parent, hanging out with his cat, and working at the local Food Co-op.

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