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Moira Press Books

Book Cover: Astrological Remediation, a Guide for the Modern Practitioner

Astrological Remediation:
A Guide for the Modern Practitioner

This book is invaluable for any practicing astrologer. Written for the professional working astrologer, this textbook teaches the art of healing challenges in the chart. Whether our clients are approaching a hard transit or examining a natal struggle, this book can help.

Topics include: the link between astrology and medicine, the art of astrological diagnosis, isolating planets that need remediation, working with children, the tenets of astral mechanics as written by Judith Hill, and much much more.

Book Cover: A Wonderbook of true Astrological Case Files

A Wonderbook of True Astrological Case Files

In this magical book of astral tales, Judith Hill and Andrea Gehrz team up to bring astrology to the world! Each story is a simple yet eloquent example of the wonderful light science that is astrology.

The Wonderbook contains over 50 stories of animals with birth times, medical anomalies, jolly bus drivers, love contracts, tiny nooks, and much much more!

Book Cover: Astral Somatica: Essays and Activities on the Astral Body

Astral Somatica 1: Essays & Activities on the Astral Body

Written with the amazing Casey Cardoso, LMT, this book explores how the stars affect our bodies, from how we’re shaped to where we experience issues during planetary transits.


Book Cover: An introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy by Porphyry of Tyre

An Introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy
Porphyry of Tyre (234 – 305 C.E.)

Book Cover: Ensoulment by Porphyry of Tyre


Vettius Valens: The Anthology

Have you ever wished you could go back to ancient times? Vettius Valens lived over 2000 years ago, and wrote extensively on the art of reading astrological charts. Not only could Valens actually see the night sky, he also busied himself reading the texts of the ancients before his time. Throughout his nine book Anthology, Valens passes on many concepts he has synthesized from his studies, including a variety of examples from his collection. This book is highly unique to read, as it is translated from ancient Greek into modern English so the reader can literally fall into the mind of an ancient astrologer.

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 1

Anthology Book 1 (2nd Edition)

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 2 part 1

Anthology Book 2.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 2 part 2

Anthology Book 2.2

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 2 part 3

Anthology Book 2.3

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 3

Anthology Book 3.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 4

Anthology Book 4.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 5

Anthology Book 5.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 6

Anthology Book 6.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 7

Anthology Book 7.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 8

Anthology Book 8.1

Book Cover: Vettius Valens Anthology, Book 9

Anthology Book 9.1